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Eventide and the Rise of the Kissing Moons

Updated on February 4, 2015

Kissing Moons

I have created some art and come up with a phrase to describe it that I thought would be evocative of a romantic interlude. So I am going to use the art and the phrase on occasions such as Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day and any other Hallmark Holiday that strikes my fancy.

I generally create rainbow colored art that's kind of bright and flashy. The twin moons depicted here are some what muted and are almost fading into an coronal aura. The centerpiece is surrounded by an electric midnight blue reminiscent of evening's approach.


Pastel Lover

Hallmark holidays are generally accompanied by hearts and flowers. So here is a pastel heart. There are different heart shapes that are generally used. This heart is more of a compact form. And the colors are for me, relatively muted.


Heart on Fire

I used the same basic heart here but I made the colors more vibrant. To some, brighter or more intense colors communicate greater passion.


Inner Love

If you are an artist and you want to go for a little bit of a different look on valentine's day then you might play around with different aspects of the heart. When it comes with color feel free to play around with hue, saturation and intensity. Who says Holiday Hearts have to be red? You can go psychedelic or just add and subtract colors until you get the effect you like. Expose others to it and they do not immediately become violently ill, you may have a winner!

You can also experiment with some mathematical concepts such as translation, rotation as well as shrinking or enlarging objects to achieve an artistic effect.

The inner love motif can speak to getting to know and to love the person inside. Especially to those who have a rough or unpleasing exterior who still want others to accept the challenge of loving them.


Angry Psycho Heart

Trust an avant-garde artist to mix up the effects in away that might actually annoy his audience rather than delight them. But on the other hand, sometimes it is difficult to tell what folks will like.

What can I say, I was going for a weird vibe and I think I achieved it.


Exotic Heart

In this Hallmark Holiday Heart, the shape of the heart is a little different than what you might usually be used to. For some the differences can be off putting. I rather think that putting a different spin on a familiar object can provide an entertaining diversion.

Note that in many of the objects I create there exists what appears to be directionality in the color scheme. So in this elongated heart the colors appear to radiate from a point above the center of the heart whereas in some of the the other pieces the colors appear to radiate from the center of the heart.

Also notice that the color dividing line at the bottom of the heart does not line up with the sharp, pointed tip of the heart. And do eye's desire for symmetry is foiled. Some may find that this rebellion from symmetry detracts from the aesthetics.

If you look closely the colors in this heart you will notice that we do not have a solid wall of colors here. There are actually pixels of color missing. You may even see a pattern in the missing colors pixels.


If you want to see what my art looks like on a T-shirt or a tile or cookie, check out the Zazzle link below.


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